Foster care and adoption services: GPR appropriations for DHFS increased [Sec. 9223 (6)] -
Act 109
Special needs adoption network funding [Sec. 1619r] -
Act 16
AODA treatment for minors: revisions re parental consent [Sec. 1966cb-cz, r, 1967f-j, 1993f-h, w, 9323 (17k), 9423 (17k)] -
Act 16
Children with asthma: grants for case management services re MA or Badger care [Sec. 718s, 3142m] [vetoed]
Court-ordered placement of a child outside the home [Sec. 1578, 1579, 1583, 1584, 3887, 3888, 3897, 3901]
Act 16
Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -
Act 16
Greatgrandparents included as relatives under the Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code [Sec. 1577g, 1651g, h, 3876x] -
Act 16
Milwaukee child welfare contract: retention of surplus from revenues prohibited [Sec. 1485-1489, 9323 (6), 9423 (2)]
Act 16
Newborn child relinquished by parent to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member: procedures created; anonymity, juvenile court authority, and civil or criminal liability provisions -
Act 2
Out-of-home placements of children and permanency plans [Sec. 101b-102rm, 103m-104f, 110m-s, 113x-114m, 529b-k, m-v, 531d-533fd, 9109 (1z), 9309 (1vv)-(1wx)]
Act 109
Second-chance homes for child who is a custodial parent or expectant mother receiving inadequate care created, cultural competency requirement; DHFS to distribute grants to private agencies -
Act 69
Statewide automated child welfare information system: use of income augmentation funds; lapse of certain MA targeted case management revenues and use to implement system, [Sec. 702f, 732q, 1557b, 9223 (5zk)] [9223 (5zk) — partial veto] -
Act 16
Youth aids daily rates revised [Sec. 3338-3342, 3902] -
Act 16
Special education: JLC to study [Sec. 9140 (10fm)] [vetoed] -
Special education pupils with dyslexia and irlen syndrome: U.W. to study methods of identifying and remediation [Sec. 1351zb, 2638m] [vetoed] -
Rural health dental clinics created in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie to serve certain counties [Sec. 720k, 2850bc]
Act 16
Rural health dental health clinics: funding for [Sec. 9123 (1z), 9223 (18z)] -
Act 109
Wisconsin Veterans Tribute Memorial grant [Sec. 785e, 9157 (8g)] -
Act 16
Chiropractic services: provision re overdue insurance claims [Sec. 3755g, 3760m, 9327 (1c)] -
Act 16
Physical therapist and physical therapist assistant regulations revised; Physical therapists affiliated credentialing board and chiropractic provisions -
Act 70
Cigarette and tobacco products: application for license to sell revised; unannounced investigations at retail outlets by DHFS or other governmental regulatory authority re sales to minors modified; counties and municipalities may enact ordinances prohibiting minors from purchasing or possessing; retailers to provide compliance training -
Act 75
Smoking in enclosed indoor areas and on grounds of juvenile secured correctional facilities prohibited [Sec. 2245d, 2449f-t, 2857t, 3389f, 3774c, 3832m, 9459 (5q)]
Act 16
Tobacco products sale or purchase: private cause of action created [Sec. 2430L] [partial veto]
Act 16
Tobacco settlement moneys deposit in the tobacco control fund; distribution to the Thomas T. Melvin youth tobacco prevention and education program increased [Sec. 1134-1136, 3159, 3160] -
Act 16
Underage tobacco enforcement activities; plan and report required [Sec. 9123 (1x)] -
Act 109
Cigarette tax stamp regulations expanded; import provisions; seized cigarettes to be destroyed; cigarette and tobacco products tax increased [Sec. 2842-2848n, 9444 (5c), (5e)]
Act 16
Circuit court civil actions: time to answer complaints reduced [Sec. 3737m, 3828g-jv, 9309 (8z)] -
Act 16
Circuit court support fee increased [Sec. 520-522, 9309 (1)]
Act 109
Court commissioner power and duties consolidated in the statutes; circuit court and supplemental court commissioners created -
Act 61
Court interpreters re persons with limited English proficiency; JLC study provided [Sec. 926m, 1580, 1587, 3781d, 3836dd-g, 3852d-3860m, 3872, 3890, 9132 (3z), 9147 (1n), 9309 (1n), 9409 (1n)] [9147 (1n) — vetoed]
Act 16
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4k), 9452 (5k)] -
Act 16
Prison impact assessment: LFB to prepare for certain bills and bill drafts [Sec. 97m, 114v] [vetoed]
Recall of local elected officials: procedure revised; ``cause" defined [Sec. 94f-s, 3828m, 9359 (11q)] [vetoed]
AG authority re civil rights actions and inquests [Sec. 1996m, 2854m, 4033g-n, 4034b-y] [vetoed] -
Deputy sheriff position applicants: residency requirement repealed -
Act 9
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created [Sec. 1349u, 1380g, 2606m, 3061r, t, 9336 (2w), 9436 (2w)] -
Act 16
Shared human resources system re civil service system: funding provided; reports required [Sec. 910d, 9129 (1m)] [vetoed] -
State fair park board employees: employment rights re placement in unclassified service (1999 WisAct 9) [Sec. 1405, 3079] -
Act 16
Wisconsin veterans retirement center commandant: one position in unclassified service created [Sec. 3057]
Act 16
Gravel roads damaged re detours from state trunk highways: DOT to pay claims from local governments [Sec. 2308m, 9352 (1f)] [vetoed] -
La Crosse, City of: $8,420.92 transportation aids fee claim [Sec. 632m, n, 9159 (3q), 9452 (10q)] [vetoed]
Messner, Robert and Dorothy: $9,296.00 property damage claim -
Act 60
State property repair or replacement costs: PR damage claims appropriation created [Sec. 665, 1122]
Act 16
Unclaimed property revisions re reporting, notice, payment, and delivery requirements; abandoned stock and intangible business interests [Sec. 2883-2897, 2901, 2904, 2911, 9153 (1), (2), 9353 (1)] -
Act 16
Binding arbitration for 1st class city police department members re interrogations of the police officer [Sec. 2610, 9317 (6)] -
Act 16
City-county health department revisions; collective bargaining and WRS provisions [Sec. 1398w, 1563d, 2021n, 2609j, 3128pd-ps] -
Act 16
Compensation and fringe benefit supplement for state agencies [Sec. 946-948, 950-952, 954-957, 959, 960, 9459 (4)]
Act 16
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement [Sec. 150g, 9359 (7v)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
QEO revisions re maintenance of all conditions of employment, permissive subjects of bargaining, and binding arbitration [Sec. 2609L-t, 9317 (8m)] [vetoed] -
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]
Act 109
Agricultural development zone provisions [Sec. 2146m, 2147k, r, t, 2177m, 2178k, r, t, 2191m, 2192r, t, 3700d, 3708m, 9344 (30nk)] [3708m — partial veto]
Act 16
Anhydrous ammonia regulations revised; penalty provided -
Act 73
Anhydrous ammonia storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions
Act 3
Brand image for Wisconsin technology and biotechnology: Forward Wisconsin, Inc., to study [Sec. 17u, v, 26, 28no, p, 9110 (1c), 9410 (1e)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Brownfields grant program: funding levels requirement eliminated; grants awarded on semiannual basis [Sec. 3631-3632] [3631m — vetoed] -
Act 16
Brownfields grants to cities of: Kenosha re American Brass Factory site, Beloit re abandoned rail corridor, and Amery re Apple River project [Sec. 9110 (9c)-(9e)]
Act 16
Brownfields redevelopment grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3625-3629] -
Act 16
Brownfields site assessment grant program revisions; sustainable urban development zone program expanded; references to ``pilot program" in specific cities removed; cities of Fond du Lac and Platteville added [Sec. 3323b-3324db, 3696]
Act 16
Business development initiative program eliminated [Sec. 29, 30, 475-504] -
Act 109
CAP Services, Inc.: grant re assistance to small businesses [Sec. 439, 9110 (8y)] [vetoed] -
Certified capital companies administration appropriation: lapse balance to general fund at year end [Sec. 442g] [vetoed] -
Chippewa Valley Technical College grant for health care education center [Sec. 451, 9110 (2k)] -
Act 16
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